Making Passionate Followers of Jesus Christ

Our love and desire, is bringing glory to God.

Our belief in Christ is not merely a belief in His existence, but a belief that comes by knowing Him personally.

Next Steps

We want to help everyone take their next step on their journey

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Our Current Series

Let Us Pray

A healthy prayer life is vital to living the Christian life, but for many, it's also an area in need of growth. How should we pray, and how do we go about growing in our prayer lives? Thankfully, Jesus tells us. Take a look as we spend time in Matthew 6 studying the Lord's Prayer.


We exist to make Passionate Followers of Jesus Christ. We are a church that loves and desires to bring glory to God. Because of this, we are passionate about helping each person that visits our church understand all that God has done and all that He wants to do in their lives.

Our belief in Christ is not merely a belief in His existence, but a belief that comes by knowing Him personally. We want to see people put their faith in Jesus as the leader of their life and the forgiver of their sins. We also believe that every person has a next step to take, no matter what their current spiritual position in life is. We would love to help you discover what next step is right for you!

Our Schedule

First Service

9:00 AM

Second Service

10:45 AM

During the Week

Small Groups in homes