In this third week of the series, Better Together, one of our missionaries, Dan Doyle shares God's Word. He talks about the signs of a healthy church. The big one…
In this second week of our series, Better Together, Pastor Ben looks at how we are better together when we serve. Particularly he looks at how we can serve the…
On Labor Day weekend, Pastor Ben walks through 1 Corinthians 15:58 and how followers of Christ must not grow weary and that their labor is not in vain.
In this final week of the series, The Road Less Traveled, Pastor Isaac looks at 1 Peter 4:16-19. We walk through 4 ways we trust in the midst of trials.
As you study the Bible, you come across some passages that are kind of tough to understand. This is one of those as Pastor Ben looks at 1 Peter 3:18-22…