As we wrap up our series, Central Reminders, Pastor Tanner challenges us to be growing passionate followers of Jesus Christ who desire to make passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Take…
As we continue in our series, Central Reminders, Pastor Tanner challenges us not to neglect our role in making passionate followers of Jesus Christ around the globe. Take a look!
As we continue in our study through Psalm 23, Pastor Tanner encourages us to view the valleys that we will experience through the perspective that David provides for us. Take…

Easter: The Lord is Risen

March 31, 2024
As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Pastor Tanner challenges us to see the invitation and call to action within the angels declaration. Take a look!
As we continue in our series Real Life, Pastor Tanner challenges us to ask not only what we should pray, but also how and why. Take a look!

True Love

January 28, 2024
As we consider the familiar command in the book of 1 John, Pastor Tanner shares why it is so important that we love one another. Take a look!


August 27, 2023
There is nothing more awe inspiring than our great God! Take a look as Pastor Tanner shares David's words of awe found in Psalm 8 and explains why they should…