As we wrap up our series Last Words From The Cross, Pastor Ben shares Jesus' final words from the cross, points to the resurrection, and challenges us to commit our…
As we continue in our series, Last Words From The Cross, we see Jesus make two statements pointing to His humanity and the work He is accomplishing. Take a look!
As we continue studying Jesus' incredible statements from the cross, Pastor Tanner talks about the importance of caring for our families and the body of Christ.
As we jump into a brand new series, Pastor Ben Phillips talks about the events that led up to the crucifixion and the first of Jesus' last words from the…
As Pastor Ben Phillips returns from his four month sabbatical, he leads us through our final week in our series Acts: The Early Days. Take a look as he talks…
As we continue through the book of Acts, Pastor Paul Williams shows us how people tried to stop the spread of the gospel and silence the apostles. Take a look…