Following our recent trips to Nicaragua and Kenya, our teams take a few moments to share a few highlights from each trip. Take a look!
Take a look as one of our supported missionaries, Tim Whatley challenges us to find our place and engage in the larger story of the Bible!
As we wrap up our series, Central Reminders, Pastor Tanner challenges us to be growing passionate followers of Jesus Christ who desire to make passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Take…
As we continue in our series, Central Reminders, Pastor Tanner challenges us not to neglect our role in making passionate followers of Jesus Christ around the globe. Take a look!
We all need reminders. As we dive into our brand new series, Central Reminders, Pastor Ben encourages us to think about where our love for the Lord is really at.…

Biblical Motherhood

May 12, 2024
Mothers are an incredible blessing. As we celebrate Mother's Day, Pastor Paul Williams encourages and challenges us with the topic of Biblical Motherhood.