Who Are You? January 7, 2024 Take a look as one of our missionaries, Wayne Royce from South Africa, joins us to share God's Word.
Don’t Waste Your Life December 31, 2023 As we look ahead into a brand new year, Jerry Clark challenges us to make sure that we don't waste our lives. Take a look.
The Gifts of Christmas The Gifts of Christmas: Frankincense December 24, 2023 As we continue talking about the gifts given by the Wise Men, Pastor Ben shows how the gift of frankincense pointed to Jesus' work as our Great High Priest. Take…
The Gifts of Christmas The Gifts of Christmas: Myrrh December 24, 2023 As this Christmas season draws to a close, Pastor Paul Williams challenges us with the significance of the Wise Men's gift of Myrrh. Take a look!
The Gifts of Christmas The Gifts of Christmas: Gold December 17, 2023 The Wise Men came bringing gifts for the newborn King. Take a look as we study what these gifts represent, beginning with gold.
Love Made Known Rest Assured December 10, 2023 Take a look as Pastor Tanner challenges us to rest assured in what Christ has done for us.
Love Made Known Love Without Limits December 3, 2023 Continuing in the book of 1 John, Pastor Ben challenges us to break the chains that limit our love. Take a look.
Love Made Known The Evidence of Love November 26, 2023 Continuing in our series, Love Made Known, Pastor Ben challenges us to look at the evidence of our love for others. Take a look!
Love Made Known One or The Other, But Not Both. November 19, 2023 As we continue through the book of 1 John, Pastor Ben challenges us to choose which direction we will go. Take a look!
Love Made Known The Unfathomable Love of God November 12, 2023 As we dive into a brand new series, Pastor Paul Williams shares about the unfathomale love of God. Take a look.