Greatest Desire

October 22, 2023
What is your greatest desire? Take a look as Pastor Ben challenges us to make sure our greatest desire is not the things of this world, but the Lord.

Take A Step

October 15, 2023
We all have to take important next steps in life. As Pastor Ben continues in our series, In The Light, he challenges us to consider what our next step is…


September 24, 2023
As we continune in the book of 1 John, Pastor Ben challenges us with the reality that God is light, and as His followers, we are to walk in the…

Complete Joy

September 17, 2023
As we begin a brand new study in the book of 1 John, Pastor Ben opens with a series entitled In The Light. Take a look as he sets the…

Help Needed

September 10, 2023
As we wrap up our series, Summer Psalms, Pastor Ben challenges us to look to the One, True source of help. Take a look!

Good Grief

September 3, 2023
Lament and thanksgiving don't often seem to go together. As we dive into God's Word this morning, we will see they do in fact go well together for followers of…
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